Today, at our annual Build conference, Satya Nadella and Scott Guthrie talked about the vision and strategy of rationalizing Microsoft’s platform into an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge, enlightened by AI and mixed reality and architected for the modern computing landscape. Tomorrow, we will share with you, our developer community, the unique.
Build-A-Bear turns to Microsoft 365 to empower employees and drive competitive advantage
Today’s post was written by Mike Early, senior managing director and head of information technology at Build-A-Bear Workshop.
Build-A-Bear Workshop has brought joy to families and kids since 1997. And with more than 170 million furry friends made over the last 20.
Making IT simpler with a modern workplace
There is a simple way to explain one of the biggest threats to any organization’s infrastructure. It’s just one word: complexity.
Complexity is the absolute enemy of security and productivity. The simpler you can make your productivity and security solutions, the easier it will be for IT to manage and secure—making the user.