Microsoft Is Irrelevant

“They have no bearing on what I do,” says Hansson of the software giant. But he admits there is something sad about no longer having an “evil empire” to rall…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Here is our full in-depth 3-way Comparison of the iPad Air 2 Vs Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Vs Samsung Tab S 10.5″. Follow Majid on Twitter …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Microsoft Is Irrelevant

  1. Monkey D. Luffy says:

    is this “big think”?
    i have a problem with the people who degrade other peoples stuff!

  2. Henok Wehibe says:

    they had their chance they are just too greedy I am glad i dont have to use
    their crapy os 

  3. Gianni Bortolo Bossini says:

    Non sono d’accordo al 100%… o almeno, non è solo Microsoft il “male” che
    affligge il mondo informatico. Voi che ne dite?
    Secondo me, da sviluppatore C#, i “Ragazzi di Redmond” qualcosa di buono
    l’hanno fatto; non tutto sarà perfetto, chiaro, altre tecnologie sono
    sicuramente migliori, più innovative ed accattivanti, ma non credo sia
    interamente da demonizzare o ignorare. Sicuramente sto sbagliando… o no?!

  4. MathSquare says:

    I am a GNU/Linux user!

  5. José Manuel Nieto Sánchez says:

    What? “But he admits there is something sad about no longer having an ‘evil
    empire’ to rally against.”
    No, Mr. Hansson: the sad thing is to see you saying this while Google is
    creating a fucking empire in the shape of a flagrant monopoly, and that
    it’s doing it with an iron fist (and lots of colors and smiles), while you
    turn a deaf ear to this fact or even worse, maybe you are yet another
    Microsoft hater. I thought you were smart enough. Come on! Dare to say you
    are again abusive software giants, companies that have made Microsoft’s
    worst strategies in the past look good in comparison. You must know why you
    act so biased. Who’s evil? Recheck your foundations and grow up. Your
    arguments are a big pack of bullshit. Fallacies of a blind and arrongant
    child. Nothing that wasn’t invented before.

  6. astr0ak says:

    Microsoft loves to keep the backdoor open.

  7. Muhilan Selvaa says:

    +Francois vdm

  8. Ivan Wang says:

    Then Apple came in and locked iPhone App development to OSX. 

  9. Francois vn says:

    a lot of blah blah and biased bullshit. The tallest trees tend to catch the
    most wind. Richest guy on the planet today, started this “irrelevant”
    company. Donated half his wealth to charity at one stage. Also is it by
    dumb luck that they have more than 80% of the market share? I think not.

    People love to hate Microsoft. The only issue I do have with Microsoft as
    that their products tend to be priced fairly high. Other than that, who
    cares. Windows does what I need it to do and as a developer, it is one of
    the best ecosystems for me to work in.

    Hate Microsoft all you want. But to call it irrelevant is stupid and shows

    Oh and for the “they are not innovative” comments.–1188743

    I come off as a Microsoft fanboy. But I’m not. I just find a lot of the
    arguments against them to be complete bullshit. At least try and be
    realistic about these things

  10. Goran Škoc says:

    who da fuck is this guy? introduce urself, post your cv, then talk shit
    about a Company with 130k employees

  11. Lennart Aasenden says:

    If you run a bussiness, who the hell cares about the community?
    I want my servers to work, be up 24/7, i want service so that if anything
    goes wrong – microsoft actually come and fix the problem.
    You dont get that with opensource. Sorry, the infrastructure that M$
    provides cannot be delivered by opensource. Sure, open code is nice — but
    thats only 1/10 of what it means to provide a service.

  12. Lowprojects says:

    What you say in this video doesn’t matter to me. I think microsoft is the

  13. Bain Mullins says:

    I forgot people still use Windows until I read the comments. 

  14. SnooPINGAS usual i see says:

    Used windows all my life, used mostly open source apps nothing crashes
    everything works fine, fast and efficient whenever i see a blue screen
    (seen about 6 or 7 in 15 years) theres always a logical reason (dust in
    memory slots typically), more than what i can say for Ubuntu, which crashed
    on me 5 times but in the much shorter time-span of 1 year.

    It’s not fast, it’s not efficient, Linux is a mess, forget the games, i
    don’t even use it for work, lost all my stuff quite a few times already due
    to the OS getting corrupted, or crashing, not to mention sound stops
    working at times, GUI fails often… etc.

    Thank god for Microsoft, put Linux and Ruby all in the same bag as they are
    both equally inefficient.

  15. Failing says:

    Microshoft °з°

  16. Brandon Waldo says:

    This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.

  17. Ian Walker says:

    People act like switching OS’s is like quitting heroin or something.
    Calm down and quit getting boners over your linux.
    Its really not that big of a deal. Its rather neutral really.

  18. Brian Sutter says:

    I do not approve of this video, it is an personal opinion piece from
    someone who should be more professional; subjectivity.

  19. kola21263 says:

    Ruby simply does not work.

  20. Laoch111 says:

    I dropped M$ 6 and a half years ago for GNU/Linux. I’m glad to be rid of

  21. draaaaaaaak says:

    smug! I pick the system that supports the software I need to use, and has
    the customer support I require from an OS developer. get over yourself.

  22. Brian Sutter says:

    I use Windows because I like it, Microsoft is not of my concern.

  23. dak1st says:

    I already disagree with the beginning of this video: He says
    Microsoft-software doesn’t work with opensource software. I am running all
    sorts of opensource software (and also proprietary software) on my Windows
    7 computer and there is absolutely no problem at all with that.
    People like that are the ones who give Linux a bad name.

  24. Alex Martinez says:

    Ruby sucks

  25. Lugh314 says:

    IE: the Internet’s #1 browser for downloading better browsers.

  26. txmoney says:

    Best productivity, most powerful, and my personal favorite: Surface Pro 3
    Best media consumption: iPad Air 2

    Samsung tablets are shit due to its laggy, jittery performance. It doesn’t
    matter how powerful the internals are because their TouchWiz overlay
    continues to be problematic. If you don’t notice it right away, give it
    about three months. You’ll understand.

    If you don’t have the money and/or don’t mind the occasional jitter and
    lag, the Note or the Tab from Samsung are fine. Although, I would get a
    Nexus rather than any tablet from Samsung.

  27. Attila S says:

    Dear MW Technology.. i noticed that you were very subjective about giving
    credit to each product, HOWEVER, i noticed that you specifically held
    positive talk about the surface pro 3 to a minimum, and gave both the ipad
    and android much more screen time.
    Also, it could have been very good to compare the highest possible versions
    of each product, like the i7 512gb version of the surface, and the maximum
    upgrade of the ipad, and ofc if the samsung can even be upgraded.. to see
    how a person who really wants power, also can see that in action. Ofc the
    price is much higher, but remember that i5 to i7 is extreme in performance.
    You can run diablo3 and most fps games of 2010-2013 on the i5, with
    moderate latency, where a i7 would probably feel like a gaming laptop, but
    since people always use the i5 to demonstrate, someone like me cannot see
    it in action, before purchasing.
    Just something to consider for future videoes. ipad and samsung ofc wouldnt
    even compete on this, since they are just glorified smartphones with
    larger screens. 

  28. Carlos Matarrita says:

    excelent comparison… it covers almost everything

  29. Lee Osborne says:

    benchmarks are bullocks lol the iPad runs ios the most basic os ever so
    benchmarks will only score form the o’s they are running for belive me the
    sp3 os much much faster and the multitasking is amazing

  30. håvard storeide says:

    The air is the best at speed and style! Air is the best

  31. bubblybaboon #findout says:

    Samsung tabs are crap my sis got 1 and it rubbish and so did my Bro they
    both rubbish Samsung hav good phones but bad tabs

  32. Kostas3000 says:

    I have been a Mac user for almost 10 years now. After 2 MacBookPros (top
    notch 17in models) and two iPads, I bought a SP3 i5,256GB. The reason is
    that the 17in MacBook Pro was too heavy to carry around, too heavy to work
    on it on the couch or my bed (I like that for my neck rest). I tried to
    install all kinds of productivity software on my iPads to do some work on
    these places, but the OS was just not supposed to support that. The lack of
    USBs, the file system, the inability to work with Word with all its desktop
    features (like using the EndNote for citing articles) was too frustrating.
    I also had to synchronize over the cloud or through iTunes, files and pdfs
    and that was an additional step that I didn’t like to take. I thought it
    was a matter of time for software to come up to allow me to use the iPad
    for productivity, but after waiting so many years I gave up and I bought
    the SP3. My impressions after 2 weeks of using SP3 are as follows. I will
    start with the negative ones. The screen resolution(how crispy text
    appears) and brightness is not great. That becomes annoying if you are
    looking at the screen from too close. Although the brightness (compared
    with iPad) cannot be changed, I believe that the crispiness of the text has
    to do with the software because in some occasions the text looks great. It
    is my impression that some software is just not optimized for this screen
    resolution. The track board is ok, not as large and responsive as my
    MacBookPro’s. The stylus has some issues when you are trying to use it for
    the touch screen instead of your finger; this might have to do with my
    settings and I need to search it further. When you turn it on from sleep
    mode it takes 2-3 seconds and it doesn’t turn on instantaneously as my
    iPad. Finally, the most negative impression so far has to do with OS. The
    cause might be that I am not yet accustomed to it, but the fact is that I
    am annoyed that there is not an escape button to bring you back to desktop,
    you can only go back to the tile screen and then click the desktop tile.
    The OneNote although it is very practical, it doesn’t allow you to zoom in
    by pinching out the fingers. Overall the OS is not as intuitive as MacOS or
    iOS and it seems that some areas have not been optimized. Apple products
    always paid a lot of attention to user interface. Now lets go to the
    positives. IT IS A HUGE ADVANTAGE to have a device of this size that
    incorporates all the characteristics of a fully fledged laptop (and even a
    desktop replacement). It has the tablet interface when you want to access
    hassle free your Facebook, Skype, music,movies and just relax. You go back
    to desktop and can do your work as well (productivity). No need to buy
    different software for tablet and laptop, no need to learn using different
    programs on tablet and laptop. So the best advantage is that this device
    can run a laptop OS and not some simplified OS that can also be found on
    your cell phone. The keyboard and its form-factor is very convenient for
    typing. You can use the stylus for quick notes or drawing, a big advantage
    in note taking over iPad. The Windows interface is more complex than MacOS
    and I find it annoying that when I need to search for software for a
    specific application I have to search through so much crap in order to find
    a good one. In MacOS there are a few programs for a specific field and all
    of them work great. Remember that I want to use the computer in order to do
    my work and have pleasure, I am not interested in searching for hours to
    find the right application or learn about coding or complicated IT stuff, I
    just want to do my work fast and efficiently, that is the big advantage
    that Apple has offered to the computer users. By the way I am also annoyed
    by the fact that Apple offers some excellent programs for free (like iMovie
    for video editing) and in Windows you have to buy them. It is also annoying
    that I have to buy Office for SP3 while it comes for free for iPad (okay,
    not a fully featured version, but still it is FREE). As a summary I am
    impressed that in a tablet size form I have a fully powered laptop. This
    device has already replaced my iPad and hopefully it will also replace my
    MacBookPro (when I get all the software that i need in Windows). My main
    negative impressions have to do with the screen (although it is not bad),
    the Windows user interface that hopefully it will be improved with Windows
    10 and some negative aspects of Windows OS in relation to MacOS (although I
    also see advantages in Windows OS, such as the amount of software
    available). I am happy with SP3, I suspect that most of my problems come
    from the fact that I am allergic to spending time to get to learn my
    computer or read manuals. Some more thoughts: I like the fact the microsoft
    seems to be paying a lot of attention to security issues. In MacOS I have
    lost my faith that it is a superior system in terms of security. Although
    Apple has been instrumental in making computers more friendly to people who
    just want their work done and not wasting time in their computers, it has
    also followed some policies that I find them to be arrogant and not taking
    into consideration my (the consumer’s) needs. The lack of USB in iPad in
    inexcusable, the lack of any way to cancel your order in AppStore (all
    sales are final) is also unacceptable. It seems that Apple has been
    ignoring consumers’ needs. I believe that Microsoft did that in the past
    and got her lesson, Apple is about to take the lesson now from consumers
    like me.

  33. Pretty Boy Flizzy says:

    IPad air 2 is a beast it beats a desktop os (surface pro 3)

  34. SarahAli says:

    How can you compare a surface pro to tablets? It looks like a tablet but
    it’s technically a PC. iPads and android tablets are toys. 

  35. Will Bx says:

    Why the surface pro 3 is being compared to these two tablets is beyond me.
    It’s not even the same class of device. When are these tech bloggers going
    to finally get it. The surface pro 3 is a laptop replacement in a tablet
    form. Not a tablet trying to be a laptop. It has real computer internals,
    and ports. Neither of which the other two have.

  36. ForceablePlace says:

    The price? You just spent another $500 on another iPad that added ONLY A
    FINGER PRINT READER meaning you spent
    over the price of a SP3 that still beats both…

  37. MineB0T says:

    “Three-Way” *Giggles*

  38. AwkwardYet says:

    This isnt even the i7 which would be no match for these tablets, in fact
    any tablet on the market 

  39. Radu Udroiu says:

    maybe the tab s may be better if you just bought it…but after about 6
    months it just gets completly owned by ipad

  40. Benson Chen says:

    Microsoft Surface Pro3 is so expensive!
    And ipad air2 is also so expensive in China too!

  41. Fernando Alao says:

    Samsung displays are the best

  42. TheEnderKidTZX says:

    It’s hard to compare these when the Surface is a tablet with a desktop os.
    You can run Microsoft Office 2013 desktop version on the go, which is much
    better than Pages for iPad. Especially since MS Office can load files on
    local storage allowing offline support, but iPad is a little weird with
    that. And then the Samsung tab I know nothing about. iPad’s Apple ecosystem
    is pretty nice for those days when you want to work on Mac, then back to
    iPad, but you can do that on a Surface, on the same Surface. Surface is
    more of a competitor to Macs then iPads.

  43. Armando Gutierrez says:

    Thank you very much for this video, it really helped me a lot to make a
    decision on which tablet to purchase. I was undecided between the Surface
    and the Samsung.

  44. MrElectrifyer says:

    Very misleading geekbench test. You’re using the i3 Surface Pro, yet you
    say it’s an i5…

  45. Kevin Murphy says:

    Last. Ipad air
    As a Windows fan and a Samsung fan, I found this to be hard to think about
    choosing which tablet I would be comfortable with and that will meet my
    needs. The surface is what most people like me want to get. However the I
    pad air has been out for a while and most people bought the tablet, liked
    it for a day, and didn’t use it for any work or real use. All and all these
    are my PERSONAL opinions on these tablets. Take care to you channel, and
    subscribe to you.

  46. amitabh priyadarshi says:

    ipad is way way better than both craps.

  47. Michael Lewis says:

    Surface Pro 3 is the Bruce Lee of tablets.

  48. Apratim Seth says:

    surface 3 best on connectivity
    ipad air 2 in performance and potability
    samsung in terms on display
    .. But I am really surprised, at How apple excelled in engineering. It
    completly thrashed i5

  49. y2says says:

    iPad is a toy and very limited on what you can do with it. Great for
    surfing the web and games. SP3 is the best one. It’s a laptop and tablet
    all in one. The Galaxy (if like many other Samsung products) will start to
    lag after some time and will need rebooting. 

  50. Noah M says:

    In terms of design I really have to give it to the Pro 3. The Tab S’s
    design is really kinda meh and the iPad’s is just so old and boring, and
    especially this version with the stark white bezels.
    Also in terms of benchmarks keep in mind that the Pro 3 is available in a
    Cor i7 version
    Great comparison though!

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