Kinect-Powered Cube Unveiled at Decibel Festival

Introducing the Cube: Microsoft’s interactive art installation, unveiled this week at Seattle’s Decibel Festival, a celebration of electronic music, visual a…

25 Responses to Kinect-Powered Cube Unveiled at Decibel Festival

  1. el scientifico says:

    This looks ridiculous. “People on opposite side of the cube can dance
    together.” Goddamn nerds.

  2. Felix Hoenikker says:

    actually i take that back im really unimpressed because this is just a
    kinect game projected onto acrylic. just four square screens, this is
    literally a weekend project in processing or quartz composer, and cut the
    acrylic with a laser at my local maker shop. the rest is at best buy.
    microsoft this is literally highschool level art and technology. 

  3. Bedwin Rosa says:

    ( Join the community #TecnoAhora )

    Microsoft Cube otra de las cosas en la que el Kinects es el protagonista.
    Combinando cuatro Kinects con cinco ordenadores, cinco proyectores y otras
    tantas superficies de proyección, los ingenieros de Microsoft han creado
    toda una instalación de arte para el festival de arte y música Decibel.
    TAG: #microsoft #microsoftcube #kinect #tecnologie 

  4. Charlie Lee says:

    You really should bring Kinect to Windows, that should be where Kinect
    truly shines, if with VR that’s even better, Kinect shouldn’t just be known
    as a gaming accessories. it can change a lot of things.

  5. Stuff México says:

    Microsoft construyó un cubo gigantesco para gaming con Kinect. Vean el

  6. Andrew Meyer says:

    Hahaha. Sorry, but the way they portrayed this in the video is just absurd.
    Way overhyped, to the point of hilarity. Feels a bit like an April Fools

  7. clsman89 says:

    So like 20 people worked on this ridiculous project?

  8. Ivan Fryer says:

    Okay the thing that annoys me a lot about commenters on the Microsoft page
    is that it’s not a big deal that Microsoft bought Minecraft I mean what did
    they do wrong? Only did was buy Minecraft it’s not like they’re going to
    ruin it or anything Minecraft is girl the same they’re even updating up to
    1.8.1 is not a big deal peopleit’s not the end of the world! You’ll live
    it’s just Minecraft got bought you shouldn’t be mad at Microsoft Mojang
    sold Minecraft to Microsoft and there’s nothing wrong with that!

  9. manco82 says:

    This must be a joke. Typical Microsoft bullshit, waste of time. No
    practical applications for consumer.

  10. Noah Emery says:

    LARGE GAME. I’m not a fan of Microsoft. But if they tried to give it back,
    Markus wouldn’t take it. Also as he said, people worship him like a god.
    HE’S NOT A GOD. And if Microsoft got rid of it, It’d just be floating out
    there, until eventually someone takes the responsibility of a large game.

  11. Felix Hoenikker says:

    so it goes…. beautifully 

  12. Lucas / Kill_Rz says:

    Voilà ce qui arrive quand on combine des “kinects” et des PCs, un énorme
    cube, mais à quoi ça sert ? Ce cube permet de dancer à travers un système
    de projection. Il sera exposé au festival de la musique et d’art de
    Seattle. Celui-ci ne sera pas vendu par la société de Redmond en revanche !
    Ce cube fonctionne avec un système de projection qui utilise 5 ordinateurs,
    5 projecteurs, et 4 capteurs Kinect pour créer une soirée de danse

  13. Zain pethani says:

    Microsoft give minecraft back to mojang

  14. Jeffrey Byron says:

    I understand now why MSFT is getting layoffs, this is a useless waste of
    time and money. It doesn’t even wrap images around the corners like you’d
    think it would, it’s just 4 projectors with a stupid Kinect game.
    I hope Satya Nadella fired off each useless untalented person in this

  15. Samiul Al Hossaini says:

    Basically it does nothing -_-

  16. entyceit says:

    star trek hologram in Alpha form.

  17. MadOrange644 says:

    I dig that this cool and everything, but what’s the point of this? Dancing?
    I can do it without a cube, or kinect.

  18. Swamitra Singh says:

    I think this technology has many applications. One application i imagined
    is that a person on one side creatures a 3d model and person on the other
    side can see the other side of the same model. So its like 3d model is
    inside the cube and all 4 people can see different angles of it.

  19. Joanne Baughan says:

    Introducing the Cube: Microsoft’s interactive art installation, unveiled
    this week at Seattle’s Decibel Festival, a celebration of electronic music,
    visual art and new media. Outside, it is 4-feet square. Inside, it is
    powered by five computers and four Kinects working in concert.

  20. Florian De Graef says:

    that is beautiful and awesome technology you got there :O

  21. Wafiq Shimar says:

    Nice try Microsoft, but I’m still not buying the Kinect with my Xbox One.

  22. Oscar Medrano says:

    Oscar.medrano.Kinect-Powered Cube Unveiled at Decibel Festival:

  23. Навигатор Редакция says:

    Кинектический куб от Microsoft

    Интерактивная арт-инсталляция засветилась на фестивале Decibel в Сиэтле.

    Вам не с кем потанцевать этим вечером? Потанцуйте с нашим кубом. И друзей
    зовите, куба на всех хватит. Вот только дизайн вызывает в памяти образ
    первой компьютерной мышки – такой же угловатый, да еще и какие-то черные и
    совсем неэстетичные “скрепы” по бокам.
    Похоже, Microsoft всерьез задумалась о том, куда же теперь девать ту кучу
    “Кинектов”, которые теперь не обязательно приобретать в комплекте с
    приставками. Думала, думала и придумала. Кубический девайс со стороной в
    четыре фута (примерно 122 см) покоится на подставке, где и установлена
    техническая начинка. Оная состоит из пяти компьютеров , пяти проекторов и
    четырех сенсоров Kinect v2. Каждая из сторон способна отслеживать жесты
    одного-трех человек: желающие развлечься становятся перед гранями, и куб
    начинает реагировать на их движения и пульсировать в такт музыке.
    Участников действа можно наблюдать внутри многогранника. Так что куб
    способен выполнять роль своеобразного портала на танцевальной вечеринке.
    За разработкой проекта присматривает генеральный директор MS Сатья Наделла
    (Satya Nadella), который считает, что сейчас самое время привлечь к кубу
    внимание творческого и хакерского коммьюнити.

    Kinect-Powered Cube Unveiled at Decibel Festival

  24. Kelleytina Williams says:

    so interesting they could sell that to an art museum and that can be an
    interactive piece of art in which visitors can play around with it

  25. Poita says:

    This nonsense goes right along side hair growth and erection sustaining as
    the things we focused our braintrusts on before humanity slides into
    universally low IQ’s.

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