Microsoft’s Vision of the Future (Parody)

Microsoft's Vision of the Future (Parody)

Sarcastic Gamer takes a look at the future.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Here is my personal review of the Microsoft Surface 2. In this video I show most of the features that I like and dislike of the Surface 2. I try to cover as …

50 Responses to Microsoft’s Vision of the Future (Parody)

  1. DHammerr says:


  2. bikerscout2012 says:

    But with an extra piece that you can lose sometimes… rofl!

  3. JourneyCat says:

    Why do I have the feeling that most of the stuff in this parody is actually
    going to come true, sooner than later.

  4. TrippinmixR says:


  5. Sean Kearney says:

    In the future, parodies of the future will be even funnier.

  6. dp33600 says:

    “From the company that brought you the Zune and Windows Vista”

  7. Razni Yukti Andiyani says:

    The newspaper remind me the harrypotter.

  8. Mohamed Hassan says:

    Only 494 years to go!
    (In 2 Days it’ll be 493!)

  9. David Fuchs says:

    *Sarcastic Gamer’s parody of Microsoft’s vision of the future.*

    #microsoftsucks #parody #sciencesunday 

  10. Denitsa Yordanova says:

    the true future of Microsoft

  11. Tom Cozzarin says:


  12. Lewis Hancock says:

    +Danny Wilson +Joe Swanwick +Joe Vaughan +Colin Hancock .. i really did cry
    with laughter at the end

  13. Ala D says:

    I fell of my chair laughing at this

  14. Tony Pelaez says:

    The future is only 498 years away! Brought to you by Micro$soft.

  15. Willian santillan parvina says:


  16. Graham Best says:

    For +Pedro Rodriguez and his love of product vision videos…

    *Tags:* #Microsoft 

  17. Darek Z says:


  18. Matt Warren says:

    *Thinking about the MS Surface campaign:*

    Remember this video? While different from their current +Microsoft Surface
    Tablet campaign, it still bears relevance. Hell, at least the original
    version [being parodied] managed to show people using things [successfully].

    The newest Surface commercials are completely inscrutible. All I know, for
    sure, is that it’s a really expensive snapping-sound accompanier for use in
    complicated dance choreography. Also, I have no use for ads where a bunch
    of people talk about how awesome something is.

    You know what would be way cooler?

    Showing the Surface doing *one thing* better than any other tablet. Hell,
    I’m *hopeful* for the product, and MS still hasn’t gone out of their way to
    show (not tell) me something awesome. Oh, the keyboard. That’s awesome.
    Other than fumbling with a new Office UI, what’s it got that anyone needs
    at prices much higher than an iPad.

    I’m excluding RT because that should have been called the WU: *Wish

  19. Miguel Farias says:

    The future?!?!?!?

  20. Ugo D'Acunzo says:


  21. sophareth camsonne says:

    Virtual/real world

  22. Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Collection says:

    Hey Friends…PlZ watch this ….!!!

  23. Cyrus Patel says:


  24. nenabunena says:

    I don’t get why web applications are needed for this. you can go directly
    to a browser and open the entire original website instead of the flimsy
    ones we use as an app. also you can put a shortcut key from the website
    directly to your metro as a tile. imo I find that to be fantastic

  25. lewisdoyle says:

    Excellent review. I’d like some advice and guidance. I have an iPad 3 and
    am thinking of upgrading to either an iPad Air or Surface 2. I live in the
    Apple Eco system at home but getting a Surface 2 isn’t a major problem
    because calendars and emails can sync so easily. I do use my iPad for
    ‘office work’ and use Pages. However Numbers isn’t as good as Excel and
    typing a professional looking document on Pages for iPad isn’t great so
    that draws me in. However, has anyone swapped an iPad for a Surface 2 and
    if so what is the feedback? This looks like a superb device.

  26. Zhenka S says:

    suck suck suckdy suck this sucks. LoL, no a bad review just overuse the
    word suck.

  27. Andrew Dedekam says:

    Is it uncomfortable of the lap with/without the keyboard?

  28. Cassie Francis says:

    I am planning to buy this tablet, mostly for college work and note taking.
    How would you say the OneNote program on this tablet would work for this
    purpose? (I have a wacom bamboo stylus so handwriting etc won’t be an issue)

    Thank you :)

  29. AgedNation says:

    nice review man it helped alot . so quick question you said that your table
    is a 32 gb and that you can an micro sd card alowing you to add 64gb more
    so does that mean 64gb plus 32gb which would be 96gb ? 

  30. davo654 says:

    everything you are talking about the hardware is wrong! (another thing that
    bothers me: its called MICROSOFT Surface 2 .. not WINDOWS surface … its
    like calling the ipad iOS ipad) You’re mixing the surface pro and the RT
    version. The surface 2 is actually only 1 mm thicker than the ipad air.

  31. Damion Tummons says:


  32. ale gomez says:

    I own android tablet,ios tablet and this one too, happy with my surface 2
    ,so I have the 3 main tablet ecosystem

  33. txmoney says:

    I own both the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2.
    The Surface 2 is the best all around pure tablet available. When you
    compare features and functionality with any iPad or Android tablet, the
    Surface 2 beats them all, hands down. Tegra 4 SOC blows away Snapdragon 800
    and is on par with the A7. Full sized USB 3.0, micro hdmi, true
    multi-tasking, dual stage kickstand, spectacular 1080p color calibrated
    screen, Office suite with Outlook, free Sype to landlines for one year,
    free 200 Gigs of Skydrive for two years. And the revolutionary touch or
    type backlit keyboards as an option.
    The apps will come but for now many of the major ones are available
    including Netflix and Facebook.

  34. NinjaPlaysGames says:

    This tablet looks awesome!! Nice review too. :)

  35. Doan Nguyen says:

    The original surface RT is only half a millimeter thicker… That’s not
    doubling down lol. you’re comparing it to the pro I presume

  36. Gerald Feti says:

    Picked mine up yesterday and it keeps freezing have you hade the same
    problems?? Please Help!!

  37. sara villar says:

    Hi there Marc,
    I’ve just bought the new surface 2 32 GB and I have one question. Do I
    have to download an antivirus for this tablet and if so, What would you
    recommend me to download? …for free of course
    many thanks

  38. Howie Rader says:

    Dude seriously, was the best review I have seen so far for the surface
    2…thank you so much for making this vid. I picked up my surface 2 the day
    after release and I’m lovin it!

  39. capo tini says:

    I charged my surface 2 Friday at 2:am, Saturday at 9 am I used it to make a
    5mts trial of all the full HD movies I have in mkv (> 5 gb movie each).
    Made a PowerPoint, played a game. Saturday around 15:00 pm did some gaming
    and tested some apps used it to tested my apps remotely for about 2h.
    Saturday night watch a 2:30 hour1080p movie . Sunday was still with power
    until 6:pm

  40. Bo Vorachack says:

    That’s the best tablet, right now. You can do so much more than any other
    tablet with the surface.

  41. Andrzej J says:

    It’s 1.3″ taller than iPad… how come 1 inch of difference suddenly makes
    it look so weird and ridiculous ? Every reviewer keeps saying that but I
    can’t see the point. All tablets look weird actually, and 1″ won’t make a

    Apart from that – great review and really nice product, cheers! :)

  42. jesse weed says:

    surface rt 1 is like the same exact thikness i own both

  43. Harley Meekins says:

    @LiV3Sn1p3r7 personally, I had 1st Gen Surface RT, and used it for notes in
    school. I am in College. PowerPoint and Word were SO handy. Especially
    since Surface still natively connects to Wireless printers. So I could be
    anywhere in my house and print something off from anywhere.

  44. puckhead1221 says:

    I would maybe get a windows tablet, but only if it had desktop
    capabilities. Something like the Sony VAIO Flip 13. However it would be
    hard to give up getting a new Macbook. Having touch on a lot a large screen
    would def be a nice feature to have tho. 

  45. djBC10000 says:

    lol “if you dont like internet explorer, you will have to suck it” 11:36

  46. Boyka Yuri says:

    Do review gaming on this surface please

  47. danny90871 says:

    is it the newest one?

  48. TripleThreat938 says:

    two things… it was made for landscape and two could you do a video on top
    10 games and apps
    my best

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