Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer retiring, iOS maps future, AT&T releases & more – Pocketnow Daily

Microsoft's Steve Ballmer retiring, iOS maps future, AT&T releases & more - Pocketnow Daily

Stories: – Steve Ballmer stepping down as Microsoft CEO within the year – Motorola Moto X and HTC One …

Sony is going after Microsoft with all guns blazing this E3. Not only did they call them out on their used games policy but they even priced the PS4 lower th…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

49 Responses to Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer retiring, iOS maps future, AT&T releases & more – Pocketnow Daily

  1. MrZeustersmith says:

    As soon as he took the CEO position he put Microsoft in a negative light. You need a CEO who is young or one who understands the constant shift in trends. Fords CEO would be perfect, as he seems to have the magic touch with ever company he takes the reigns for.

  2. Can Ozmen says:

    Elon Musk

  3. ngoalpo says:

    Bittersweet Shimmer = Lumia line being sold to Microsoft.

  4. james beck says:

    my prediction Nokia Lumia 1020 :)

  5. fernando gimenez says:

    Michael Fisher is the only one in this channel that makes fairer descriptions.
    The others attack on this channel and speak ill of Nokia and Microsoft
    how to get paid to do that?

  6. carlos suarez says:

    Michael Fisher is the only one in this channel that makes fairer descriptions.
    The others attack on this channel and speak ill of Nokia and Microsoft
    how to get paid to do that?

  7. fernando gimenez says:

    Nokia has no competition
    Nokia Lumia 1020 The Best
    Checked and Asserted by all :)

  8. AeroS Prime says:

    I’m actually should be next MS CEO. I know what MS should change and what they shouldn’t change. They just have bad decisions and honestly they have good potential product they could release.

  9. Abhinandan B R says:

    billgates yeh!!!

  10. Jordan Glass says:

    Htc one mini looks great

  11. SidmanTV says:

    Fuck Steve balmer

  12. Anand Swaroop Meduri says:

    im excited. dont waste time guys , rush to this site and get ur ipad3 or iphone as per ur choice. dont think its funny, never forget to fill with your mail id and ph number. rush it here =>

  13. oolong2 says:

    People have a tendency to believe any “change” in leadership is a good thing…

    Microsoft excelled as a company because of it’s partnerships and that’s what Steve Ballmer was great at doing.

    Even when Bill was involved with Microsoft he wasn’t behind much innovation there.

    I have a windows phone and I think it’s great…. Don’t like Windows RT? Blame Bill Gates. He helped kill the Courier concept which led to “Windows on ARM” which later became Windows RT…

  14. Supergamer2988 says:

    Samsung galaxy s4 giveaway on my channel

  15. DAVID GARCIA says:

    I’m glad he’s retiring… 

  16. Jack Crook says:

    Microsoft needs anyone who is not a middle aged bald headed, out of shape white guy. Jobs had cred, he looked and acted cool and if he’s the CEO, his products must be cool. Ballmer just had no cool about him. Sorry, just my opinion.

  17. agntxcsmc says:

    I’d have Bill back, with Bill theres more chance he will click on with whats needed in todays competitive world. Unlike Ballmer…fool wrecked it all with windows RT and windows phone. I have both, and believe me I wish I could change wp and windows rt

  18. Tommy Roca says:

    I find the idea of Gates making a comeback to be awesome and totally agree that he is a product guy. Come on people invade Microsoft’s twitter with #Gates4CEO

  19. James Lee Wake says:

    I love the idea of a wooden back on my phone!

  20. divinecuts28 says:

    Microsoft needs bill gates back

  21. MattDaddyPrime says:

    “Bittersweet Shimmer”? Someone at Nokia is a Fuel fan.

  22. Aaron says:

    It is not released in all Asian countries,
    but only in several particular countries like China.
    Trust me, I am an Asian.

  23. Sabir Taha says:

    wellcome back bill

  24. oolong2 says:

    Bill Gates might have been a product visionary in the 80s, but not today…..

    Keep in mind Gates was one of the key people who KILLED the Microsoft Courier before the iPad came out.

    The iPad went on to become a success meanwhile it took years before Microsoft came up with another tablet strategy.

  25. MrThevideostar says:

    dude watch porn on other websites this is nothing

  26. 444ranger444 says:


  27. sinamit says:

    Yeah man this website here is just sending out 100% free White Apple new iPad’s for today only.

    But you do have to be fill out your address but it is all real, I claimed my one a few minutes ago. Better hurry up! UPAD3.COM

    It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched for they are full of the truthless ideal which have bee

  28. lijeesh nair says:

    Yeah man this website here is just sending out 100% free White Apple new iPad’s for today only.

    But you do have to be fill out your address but it is all real, I claimed my one a few minutes ago. Better hurry up! UPAD3.COM

    It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched for they are full of the truthless ideal which have bee

  29. infamousDaRkNighT says:

    inFAMOUS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. animelord632 says:

    your sexy big tits and your into video games u go girl

  31. daFCBoy503 says:

    Lmaoooooooo that ending thoe

  32. shadowzz599 says:

    Kingdom hearts <3333 yay

  33. ven wolf says:

    your hat

  34. Gabriel Gomes says:

    i came to see the psboobs xD

  35. ven wolf says:

    your sexy

  36. Jeff Ferreira says:

    Nice rack if you don’t mind me saying so, Tara. Obviously you dont mind showing them. Seriously though, its nice to have a woman that actually knows what they’re talking about and isn’t just another pretty face. Looking at you G4….

  37. mikecustoms says:

    good job

  38. giorgos plirotidis says:

    next time bikini or topless will get 1 billion views
    god damned tv holic go back to your tv and leave internet for nerd ppl pls

  39. mdweniger says:

    Yeah but you get free games, discounts, full game trials and early access to betas if you are with ps+ so its so worth it

  40. aditya chauhan says:

    O O

  41. Xtremizer says:

    Those tits got some fresh air. Nice work.

  42. warlockguy42 says:

    Everybody dumbass Everybody who wants to sell games to afford new ones, And if you have friends in real life (which you don’t have) they can borrow your games while you borrow there’s.

  43. Caspthereaper says:

    SHE games for real? damn that is one fine woman who the hell cares about video games when you have a sexy DD blond on your screen like come on , evan the fattest zit faced bottom dweller isn’t checking this vid for games.

  44. AtheistZapp says:

    Can’t believe americans get so worked up about used games and shit.
    Jesus , who the fuck trades in their games these days, thats so 90s.

  45. ImToo-Dench says:

    Tara was pretty bios

  46. leo mendoza says:

    lol Microsoft, you so noob

  47. leo mendoza says:

    lol Microsoft, you so noob

  48. dantaz says:

    what a whore, jayzuz

  49. Aidan Joly says:

    Her hand is in the way…. need more tits

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