Computex 2013: Microsoft demos new Windows 8.1 interface

At Computex in Taipei Wednesday, Microsoft showed someof the new gesture controls in Windows 8.1, which will be a free upgrade for existing customers.

25 Responses to Computex 2013: Microsoft demos new Windows 8.1 interface

  1. Frank Blackcrow says:

    FAIL, why are they not listening to customers.
    They had fails with Vista, had a win with win7 and seem to be pushing another fail with the metro screen, and now with a fake start buttonin 8.1.
    Microsoft have missed the point that the metro screen is ugly, if I want to not show the icons I can do that, and this is the same thing that they have done with still having the older interface window which a lot of people still want, it’s the level of fail that they seem to push the boundaries in.

  2. Digital Intent says:

    Holy Fuck!!! You’re kidding me, right? This is what Microsoft thinks people want when they say they want a fucking start MENU!!?

  3. RemixPicture says:

    It’s funny how all the idiots applauds the start button that adds no value at all.

  4. Rickles says:

    This is the result of a tech industry that is trying to imitate Steve Jobs’ technique of telling consumers what they want. The tech industry is going to hell. New popular technology is basically whatever device and form factor that can get consumers to spend money on apps and media.

  5. exKAjFASH says:

    Please support WinXP for 10 years more!!! please please please do not distribute 8.*

  6. mrgclips says:

    BIGGEST SCREW-UP OF ALL TIMES IN MICRO-BRAINS’ HISTORY! No other company would be STUPID enough to alienate their core base customers in such an arrogantly idiotic way! The simple fact that now they INTENTIONALLY refuse to bring back the basic navigational features that non-touch users NEED, shows that this company gone into the abyss of self-destruction. Windows, as we knew it, good or bad, with this pile of crap is FINISHED! Pride over brains killed this company! Along with the “YES-MEN”! :-(

  7. alexrdias says:

    Metro is best for touch screens. And start button without a start menu is useless. Common sense dictates that those two things come together.

  8. Muamer Mujevic says:

    I’m not whining dude, i’m fine with Win 8 as it is. You obviously didn’t understand my post.

  9. hockeyplyr67 says:

    Oh, I think they get it. “Apple App Store stats: 425,000 apps, 15B downloads, $3.6B revenue”. If Microsoft users keep using the traditional desktop and downloading/installing apps direct from third party developers, Microsoft gets zilch in that transaction.  If Microsoft can convince their user base that metro is better and gets us to purchase apps from the Store and slowly ween us away from the desktop, they’d be sitting on a gold mine. They must think we are stupid.

  10. hockeyplyr67 says:

    Metro and Live Tiles is completely fine on my Surface Tablet, but I rather just avoid it all together on my desktop.



  12. wiseye61 says:

    why not give everyone what they want? You get your flashy metro screen, the rest of us who want the normal start button, get the normal start button without having to install third party programs.

  13. Erdem Ece says:

    metro screen is the best. you want a start button they brought a start button.

  14. Erdem Ece says:

    so what’s wrong with it? you whiners whining about windows so much that you whine for almost everything!!

  15. Muamer Mujevic says:

    :) This is just to funny. They just added bg transparency to the same “Metro” start screen and they brought back the start button. Right now you can get to that start screen just by going in to the left corner of your screen where your Start button was and clicking.

  16. MingJian Yap says:

    Technically, if you zoom out (while in metro start screen), you’ll get back what resembles a menu with folders. A step back into stone age but it’s all we got.

  17. Calvin Wiseman says:

    WOW…MS still doesn’t get it…I use a mouse and keyboard at my desktop!!! I measured the distance with a tape measure from my keyboard to the mouse is 12 inches…and I don’t have to worry about more than a carpal tunnel wrist issue…THE DISTANCE FROM MY KEYBOARD TO MY MONITOR IS 24 INCHES…MY POINT USING A TOUCH INTERFACE ON A DESKTOP PC IS LESS EFFICIENT…PLUS NOW I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT REPETITIVE STRAIN ON MY ENTIRE ARM, ELBOW AND SHOULDER. WOW…MS just doesn’t get it do they???

  18. Jack Frost says:

    How often do I use the start menu in Windows 7?
    I click on that little bitch 500 times a day. I use it to organize by shit, it’s easier to go to my computer that way, easier to manage, easier to fix things and navigate.
    What planet are you from?

  19. suny123boy1 says:

    That was my first thought. Download classic shell and be done with it.

  20. suny123boy1 says:

    To pretend you know about other users habits is rather pretentious. Also, it is a hell of a lot more than just installed programs. By this answer it seems it’s been quite awhile since you’ve used your start menu :)

  21. suny123boy1 says:

    No start menu = no game.

  22. Dmarshall072 says:

    Windows 7 sold way more copies why? because people actually wanted to upgrade from vista or xp. People must buy the latest windows OS if they have a oem copy preinstalled on a new PC they have almost no choice. You can google “windows 8 continues to fail” to see some statistics of how poor it is performing to what it should be its no where near windows 7s success and I use the windows start menu A LOT and have to open up sometimes many programs at once where windows 8 makes this task difficult.

  23. Mary Collera says:

    they added a start that function as metro as seen in current W8. Oh Wow

  24. doubtforthedoomed says:

    Metro is purely made for Microsoft to profit extraordinarily with ads and their market, not for consumer friendliness! FUCK MICROSOFT! All you Microsoft shills and fucktard fanboys need to thrown on an island with Ballmer and is goons.

  25. usernamecheckedOK says:

    What real world are you from, I must ask? Because in our reality, Windows 8 is progressing like any other Windows version previous to it.

    According to statcounter it has already caught up with Windows Vista in usage share and will surpass the sum of all OSX machines ever sold in a couple of months.

    Only a troll without real arguments would claim that Windows is failing.

    And again. HOW OFTEN do you browse your start menu in Windows 7? It is a list of installed programs.

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