Tag Archives: Azure
Introduction: Cloud Computing Series (Session 3): Microsoft’s Cloud Computing Platform-Windows Azure
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Techgig Webinar series and endeavor to empower techies. We believe that sharing of knowledge is the key to en…
Demo – Microsoft Cloud Computing – A Deeper Dive into Windows Azure
The Windows Azure platform is an internet-scale cloud computing services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers. The Windows Azure platform, which provide…
Cloudanbieter wie Microsoft werben gerne mit der praktisch unbegrenzten Skalierbarkeit, die sie in ihren beeindruckend großen Rechenzentren bieten können. Wi…
Cloud Computing Series (Session 3): Microsoft’s Cloud Computing Platform – Windows Azure
The session will give you an understanding of what Windows Azure is and what it offers. Windows Azure is an internet-scale cloud computing and services platf…