Nokia Lumia 920 Challenge, Day 13: Microsoft Office

Nokia Lumia 920 Challenge, Day 13: Microsoft Office Despite doing it for a living, when I spend extended time with a device, I find out new things about it. …
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25 Responses to Nokia Lumia 920 Challenge, Day 13: Microsoft Office

  1. Totty says:

    u mean iOS 7 copying windows phone 8????

  2. Dinu Ciobanu says:

    ugh Aaron is making such a bad impression about nokia lumia 920 and windows
    phone 8 in general…

  3. Montpbm Crawford says:

    Duhh! everyone in the corporate world just about uses Office.. who uses
    google docs? no one!

  4. Renato Vilela Ribeiro says:

    it’s an amazing device with a gorgeous and easy to use OS.

  5. cheesefetish100 says:

    Are you retarded? Anyways ios 7 still sucks

  6. Guido Conrad says:

    Yeah ’cause it’s pretty logical to think there are people claiming that a
    OS created 3 years ago ripped off another introduced 2 days ago… Oh, and
    in case you missed, i’m being saracastic again

  7. cKlutcHJ21 says:

    Very few companies use Google Docs as their office drivers, even small to
    medium companies tend to work with Microsoft Office. An exception to that
    would be start ups.

  8. DIVADNOMIS1313 says:

    Samsung GS4 is da best

  9. soleil3gs says:

    I wouldn’t be able to use that phone for 30 days, it’s just so boring. I
    had it for less than two weeks and sold it.

  10. Garth St. Omer says:

    That phone would literally put me to sleep if I tried to use it.

  11. soleil3gs says:

    @hunkashoo I owned the Lumia 920 for a couple of weeks and it was so boring
    that I had to get rid of it. It’s a nice phone but I don’t call changing
    the color of the home screen customization I’m sorry.

  12. Jay Finn says:

    By all means I’m not saying they copied Windows Phone but if people are
    saying Windows Phone copied iOS I’m just giving a more reasonable outlook.
    Don’t take my comment out of proportion by saying I said something. I’m
    just “if anything” iOS 7 copied Windows Phone, I know they didn’t but they
    were probably inspired by WP.

  13. StickyKarmel says:

    you mean you see a lot of windows phone 8 in ios7

  14. phxsunsrbest says:


  15. Montpbm Crawford says:

    ios suck for copying WP!

  16. Wizzlewaz123 says:

    10th viewer

  17. Bryant Wilson says:

    DEFINITELY SEE IOS 7 here IOS 7 = Touchwiz/ Windows Phone 8

  18. LAXBRED says:

    i love fat bitches thats my fuckin problem!

  19. Marwan gamal eldien says:

    true words :)

  20. Xinwei Xu says:

    You never upgrade your apps…and never try other apps,lame

  21. Dan Havelin says:

    I use Drive for both my businesses…lol

  22. Larry Griffin says:

    These have been some of the most bare bones videos this 30 day challenge
    for a very bare bones platform…. I went with my friend to get the Window
    Phone 8x and they laughed at him … That’sbsaying something

  23. Nathaniel William Philip says:

    Yeah your sarcasm wasn’t obvious at all… You were completely retarded by
    coming out with that statement, nevertheless..

  24. phxsunsrbest says:

    you just went full retard

  25. Guido Conrad says:

    Are you retarded? I was being sarcastic

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