Salam hörmətli dinləyicilər.Dərsliyin davamı buradadır: Здравствуйте! Пройдите регист…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Setting up an Email Account via POP / IMAP within Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

41 Responses to DERS 1 MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD.mp4

  1. turkan59 says:

    yaxcidi ama biraz muellimin sesi xowuma gelmedi bilmirem utanir yoxsa
    cekinir ama yaxci bawa salir cox sagol muellim

  2. ISLaMFoRuM Zz Mu says:


  3. Leyla Hesenli says:

    Muellimimiz yaxsi MELLIMDIR((((eger internetde ders kecirsinizse,demek bir
    az diqqetli olmalisiniz.dersiniz yaxsidir,amma bele xirda qusurlar olmasa
    ela olar.nezere alin ki,bu sayt beynelxalq saytdir

  4. Anar Melikov says:

    Azerbaycan dille anlatim

  5. Anar Melikov says:

    salamlar hormetli tamasacilar.sizin fikirlerinizi nezere alaraq men teze
    dersler buraxacam. oz tanislarinizi devet edin kanala.kanala yazilin.cunki
    gelecekde cox xeyir olacaq sizlere her defe yeni dersler yazib qoyulacaq

  6. sicey Blazkowicz says:

    teşekürler yeterince öğrendim çok güzel anlatmışssın

  7. gabi mirzeyev says:

    saq olun mellim. tewekkur..!

  8. Gunka R says:

    yaxsidir ama danisiq lehce iledi adami yorur danisiq

  9. Gunkam E-va says:

    Salam.Bu dersi yaxsi basa dusdum INSALLAH ders 2 ve 3u de basa

  10. Zaur Zeynalov says:

    Təşəkkürlər qardaş!

  11. Ceki Sumqayit says:

    mende xatkes itib onu nece tapa bilerem 

  12. hesret osmanova says:

    salam mence bezi bezi gede gudeler iyrenc iyrenc catlar ve ya sayitlar
    yardib camahtin pisxkasini pozmaqdansa sizin kim gozel islerle mesgul olsa
    daha yaxsi olar sahenizde bir cox seyler oyrendim allah razi olsun sizden
    ellerinize sagliq tesekkur edirem davamini gormek dileyile

  13. İbrahim Mecidli says:

    MS Word 2010 ucun ders almaq isteyirem burdan deyesen azdir taamlanmir
    sizde MS Word 2007-ni basa salirsiniz ellerinize sagliq turkler demisken.
    Tam baxmaga hovselem yoxdur size bir sual verim imtahan vererken bunlardan
    hansini bilmek daha yaxsi olar 2007ya 2010 ? 2013-un de cixdigini nezere
    alsaq bir az cetinlik cekirem

  14. Gunel Kerimli says:

    cox sag olun.amma cox xirdaliqlari demesez daha yaxsidi.herifleri boyutmek
    filan adi seylerdi menim fikrimce.hemde fikrinizi axira kimi catdirmirsiz
    sozunuzu tamamlasaz daha yaxsi basa duserik.23 deqiqe icinde cox vacib
    seyleri oyrenmek olardi amma cox xirdaliqlarina getmisiz.amma yenede cox
    sag olun tesekkurler komeyiniz oldu

  15. Səkinə Mirzəzadə says:

    cox gozeldir dostlar yaxwiki bele muellimler var Anar muellim sizde bawka
    vidiolarda gozluyuruk

  16. Rehile Qarayeva says:

    Salam muellim men banka imtahan verecem sizce ne suallar duser

  17. clydejoiners1 says:

    thanks been trying to do this for years, thanks for keeping it simple

  18. Mardisu says:

    I didnt up grade to mail plus, but Outlook still kind of works. Weird yes,
    it will let me send emails, i just cant use it to recieve anything…. So i
    can follow links to send emails and then will have to log into my yahoo
    account for the responses. I guess thats better than coping and pasting
    email address’ everytime.

  19. Superman says:

    The incoming emails for a recently hired employee does not appear in the
    inbox. We checked SPAM folder and the emails don’t appear there either.
    Would anyone know where the emails are going or what the problem is? Thank

  20. Tarek Abbas says:

    Thank you so much…

  21. Conlan0215 says:

    Thank you, 😀

  22. lglifesgoodfrero says:

    thankyou very much my digital works

  23. B3LTRAN89 says:

    @choicesMY yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well fuck you ^_^

  24. ob1167 says:

    i got a new computer and i want to transfer it can i do that? and if i can
    plz make a video how plz =]

  25. PressPlay2Go says:

    Invaluable video

  26. ownd785 says:

    yo how there is already a email set up but i wanna replace it with another
    one.. so how do you it?

  27. B3LTRAN89 says:

    way to only do it on yahoo….idiot…..

  28. taniaepineda says:

    ok so i followed the instructions and this thing would not work! i need

  29. Elias says:

    I want to be shot in the face. If someone couldn’t figure that s h i t out
    on their own they should either be stoned to death or completely banned
    from using any electronics whatsoever. I hate to click dislike for this
    video. There is no need for a walkthrough of something that’s been
    completely spelled out on other websites. How about you post a video for
    the troubleshooting? Like, when it says to contact your ISP or Server
    administrator? Huh, how about doing that? Fck this.

  30. B3LTRAN89 says:

    @choicesMY yeah………..well fuck you

  31. Xbox720Hacker says:

    Damn straight it didn’t.

  32. lallipulse says:

    thannks (Y)

  33. Joshua Noel Guaves says:

    Thanks!!!! This very helpful!

  34. zerö cööl says:

    wats the need in logon information ???? our yahoo id from wich want to get
    mails or wat?

  35. neirfane says:

    @Canadianul yeah. free yahoo can’t do this, but gmail can!

  36. phenyoj says:


  37. neirfane says:

    Whats up Herzing!

  38. Has An says:

    Thanks, It has worked.

  39. drift king says:

    wow …. still dnt give a fuck

  40. Anibal Arias says:

    she didn’t even test account settings !!!

  41. cleo ysu says:

    thank you very much!! ^_^

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