Microsoft Surface vs Dual M16 M4’s Help support the show and get a free month of streaming! Microsoft Surface vs dual wielding akimbo m4’s If any of you want to …

Follow me on Twitter: 1) Female tries to social engineer me by showing what she first calls errors and then spyware, viruses…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Microsoft Surface vs Dual M16 M4’s

  1. Mex6660 says:

    1:49 you dont say…

  2. GameThunderZ says:


  3. Parneet Singh says:


  4. bronson bicknell says:

    M4=best gun ever

  5. Rasulxll Rasulxll says:

    Ps 4 vs pistol

  6. Dash D. Cadet says:

    deserved it

  7. joe var says:

    Where does he get the money for this shit

  8. AfterREFLExXx says:


  9. owl gamer says:

    acer w510!

  10. cameron james says:

    the m16 and m4 are different classes all together, the m4/m4a1 is a CARBINE
    don’t forget that, and the m16a1/a2/a3/a4 are all ASSAULT RIFLES, they both
    fire the same round and use the same attachments(with the of the m203/m230
    which are the same grenade launcher but one is shortened for the m4) the
    m16 is almost 6! feet long, and the m4 is only 4(with the stock at its
    lowest setting). don’t describe them as the same because they are not!, but
    they are both militarized versions of the AR-15 which is actually a
    hunting/personal defense weapon.

  11. alex shano says:

    What’s that song

  12. Gabriel Blanc says:


  13. Роман Акс says:

    Greetings from Russia.

  14. Felix Wolfensberger says:


  15. TruckerGuy135 says:

    cant believe i sub to this shit

  16. Sep Ultra says:

    House vs minigun!

  17. Derek Rheinhart says:

    Tempered glass was a little better than I thought it would be actually.

  18. John Unbekannt says:

    I have got a Surface 2! I cansold my Sub…!

  19. TakeThatBack66 says:

    Why waste all that tech :(

  20. OthmanTamimOfficial says:

    Felt like’am watchin’ Counter Strike Frags xD

  21. Ben Chanpreda says:

    X box one m4

  22. Gian Anaya says:

    X box one

  23. Shaked B.Z. says:

    Gamers be like : “AKIMBO NOOB !”

  24. Falcongaming says:

    Where do you get you money for your guns!!?!?!

  25. Hippownage says:

    Wow such rifle such power good very chills wow

  26. Coltsfan520 says:

    I think i had the same lady. I call them. If you google problems with
    aol,facebook pogo etc etc each website has the same number 1800 863 8150.
    The number is registered to a Chinese company. 

  27. garryentropy says:

    happened to me an hour ago

  28. InvisibleYetVisible says:

    Restoring the driver wouldn’t exactly be hard, just a refresh of the
    drivers. I assume they didn’t delete any critical files right?

  29. AceLiamX says:

    happened to me just now of course i didn’t fall for it.

  30. Arch Ceaser says:

    These buggers have called me 3 days in a row now really starting to piss me

  31. MzTrinaa says:

    This JUST happened to me! Legit the first like 5 mins of this video the guy
    told me to do the same thing!! When i saw he took over the cursor i knew it
    was a scam! He opened up my browser trying to log into my facebook and i
    was trying to close it but of course he was fighting back re opening the
    screen, I then shut off my laptop, when i re opened it the background was
    normal again, what im concerned about is how do i know if he still has
    access to my computer and can still see what im doing etc… ( im on
    another laptop btw)

  32. Maelstrom says:

    he cant corrupt your computer if you pull the plug!

  33. Anonymous159951 says:

    that was woo my but i haved a another virus and i scared him for calling a
    police but i dont cal for pollice but i hacked his computer TROLOLOLOLO

  34. Nascarfan090 says:

    I got this call today. I hung up fast.

  35. SuperMadhouse83 says:

    i got a call from them yesterday and again today 

  36. Sandy Lam says:

    be aware of this scam! take your time to look into it!

    just hang up if anyone from windows/microsoft calls you

  37. kwoism says:

    Literally just happened to me. Too bad for her i have AVG enabled and
    frequently scan my system.

  38. gmwdim says:

    I got a call like this recently. I played along until I got the guy to
    reveal his phone number (they disabled their caller ID), and then I told
    him that I only have a Mac and gave his phone number to the police. Both
    things were lies, but it was funny to listen to his panicked reaction.

  39. The Ghast says:

    What the hell is in that fiddler shortcut 0_0

  40. RobFord StoleMyCrackPipe says:

    i RECIEVED A SIMILAR CALL, that said my Microsoft Windows OS had security
    issues that needed them to have remote access to my PC, and I had to
    download a program (a trojan horse) to give them said access. Of course I
    never downloaded the malware, and I knew it was a scam because I USE LINUX,

  41. alex coleman says:

    you saved me from making this mistake …thanks for having this up

  42. burgoyne says:

    Oracle Virtualbox to be exact!

  43. Shlomo Shekelstein says:

    My brother nearly gave way to these idiots. I can’t imagine how older
    people respond, I plan on letting my grandparents know about this scam.

  44. Stephen Mahala says:

    i was scammed by these guys is this main source tech

  45. GundamSentinel says:

    I’ve had a couple of those. The moment I picked up the phone it already
    sounded really suspicious, but to be sure I just googled the first thing
    they asked me to do. Obvious scam is obvious. I did warn my parents (who
    aren’t very tech-savvy), and I’d recommend others to do the same, as it can
    be quite intimidating if you’ve no idea what’s going on. :)

  46. DuncanDunn says:

    John Dick Address: Dick Street lmfao

  47. michealharty says:

    As long as the software is not active or installed they should not be able
    to. Although Id say one of the best ways of preventing these types of
    things to be aware of whats going on with your PC. If they called me i
    would troll the living hell out of them. Anyway, unless they installed a
    back door then everything should be fine. Keep you antivirus updated and if
    if you dont feel safe still just reinstall windows.

  48. Steve H says:

    The technician is always correct!

  49. CautionAvoid says:

    They are probably destroying a vitual machine..

  50. Penylane relapsed says:

    We had these ppl call last night annnd I swear it was the same lady…my Bf
    played a long before abusing her…then she hung up. Sometimes my Bf has
    said “no no no I have a Mac”…or “I use Linux” and they hang up, they call
    quite often as well…really annoying!

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