Microsoft puts a Bounty on Windows | Engadget Show 45

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25 Responses to Microsoft puts a Bounty on Windows | Engadget Show 45

  1. Renato Carneiro says:

    1st: She is fat. 2nd: 100k for a worldwide security hack fix is nothing. 3rd: She is fat.

  2. Thomas Bradford says:

    I live in Australia too, so what? And what do you even mean? I wasn’t even trying to prove anything.

  3. chicalicalecia says:

    I worked with her on penetration tester…she passed.

  4. thumper5555 says:

    troll much?

  5. thumper5555 says:

    he’s questioning your grammar, and not your credibility. And if you really had a vulnerability, you could make it to the USA and get your 100k pay off.

  6. thumper5555 says:

    This is not a new idea.

  7. pst007x says:

    Does MS sound a little desperate? I guess they’re finally realising their screwed so now they’re trying to buy those who attack MS… Are they running scared? Probably not, but anyone who comes forward will be ‘logged’ as a potential threat…

  8. Ruy Daza Quiroga says:

    Shameful, in other words, “we’re so incompetent that we need to pay hackers to known how they’ve been broken our fat ass”.

  9. boby ghandhi says:


  10. movby26 says:

    The NSA pays more

  11. ThirdWorldJohn says:

    He was talking about your grammar… The correct sentence would be:

    I could hack THEIR systems and show how to do it, but there is a problem, im in Australia and THEY’RE in the USA

    since you fail to notice what has been pointed out to you, Thomas Bradford might be right about something.

  12. TechXSoftware says:

    its not a lie! I do live in Australia! you can sure talk the talk but can’t walk the walk 

  13. Feka Kaunt says:

    Microsoft talking about “security”? LOL. Pls ask the NSA about this joke. Oh, btw: fuck Microsoft.

  14. Thomas Bradford says:

    You should definitely learn the difference between there/their/they’re. It would make your lies seem more credible at least.

  15. Esko Kasila says:

    How about the NSA door ?

  16. TechXSoftware says:

    I could hack there systems and show how to do it, but there is a problem, im in Australia and their in the USA

  17. Plus Pack says:


  18. Lester De La Cruz says:

    oh shut the fuck up. Not like competitions like this happen all the time and are largely successful

  19. GamerOfTheAges91 says:

    Haha or just patent your idea and make Microsoft pay you millions for it, 100 grand is pocket change for Microsoft and if you accepted it you would loose out on so much more. These company’s are trying to look good offering you a reasonable cash payout when really your just saving there asses and there paying you pennies for your hard work.

  20. Hatterific says:

    I doubt very much that Microsoft would or will ever pay these it’s going to be very difficult to prove that you’ve come up with an original hack. This strikes more of Microsoft ego stroking and marketing scheme to tout their products as safe vs osx and linux or something.

  21. Brandon Haru says:

    That’s awesome! $100K? If I could hack or do anything of the sort I’d totally go for it

  22. Hatterific says:

    This is pretty interesting in a number of ways…. The most probably that this would tend to create more hackers going after the prize than it would actually yield up those hackers that are hackers cause that’s who they are. No real hacker cares about money. They do it cause of philosophical differences in how they view computers should be used, and Microsoft is the antithesis and them offering money to out their hacks is the antithesis of everything a real hacker stands for.

  23. Antoine Smith says:

    What is that phone she holding in her hand? Is that a Microsoft Surface Phone?

  24. Sonu03785 says:

    fix your shit mail service first Microsoft

  25. derek400004 says:


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