Microsoft Office Labs Vision 2019 HD [720p]

Microsoft Office Labs Vision 2019 HD [720p]

สุดยอดวิสัยทัศน์ของไมโครซอฟท์ในปี 2019 ไม่ว่าเราจะเชื่อหรือไม่เชื่อก็ตามแต่ มันจะเกิดขึ้นแน่นอน..
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Microsoft Office Labs Vision 2019 HD [720p]

  1. MyMasterstar says:

    ถ้าขนาดนี้ทำไมมึงไม่เอา เกราะ Ironman มาขายฟ่ะ

  2. Furral says:

    But it’s good to see moustaches will be back in fashion.

  3. Furral says:

    I see the future is filled with beautiful people. Sucks if you don’t fit the norm.. Appearantly you’ll die out in the next 5 years.

  4. ASCG5000 says:

    That’s what they said about touch pads…

  5. RedShockInc says:

    i know is not future tech, i know is a fake, a vision, what i meant is that if windows manage all that stuff it would be the end, windows is so easy to hack, so…

  6. Piotrczarnota96 says:

    ok thx for the information ^^

  7. Jose daniel gamboa percy says:

    Guys, its not Future Technology, however; this might not happen… And it’s a vision which is yet made or will never happen. However; if Future Technology is true, This world should be like Computer or Sci-Fi. However; world is not a Sci-Fi and/or a computer. So it is a Natural World and is NOT Sci-Fi; if all is Sci-Fi and theres no trees; we all never live on this world

  8. Jose daniel gamboa percy says:

    and it is a vision; not future technology

  9. Jose daniel gamboa percy says:

    its a vision

  10. Jose daniel gamboa percy says:

    oww, world would end? how? its not! you silly. theres no virus in this information, however… its not future technology

  11. Jose daniel gamboa percy says:

    This is not Future Technology, its yet a trailer and a unknown story

  12. Игорь Чернов says:

    ballmer is stupid

  13. RedShockInc says:

    that video was cool! but if everything is managed by windows then the world would end up thanks by a virus

  14. eduardo gonzalez says:

    you can’t play windows games without being seen

  15. theuserofthissite says:

    Newspapers can make a comeback as long as they can become computers.

  16. Variety channel says:

    I like this music!

  17. Piotrczarnota96 says:

    Badabum you`re so funny -.-

  18. JUJUXRAZR3DMAX says:

    ur hot

  19. JUJUXRAZR3DMAX says:

    ur so ignorant

  20. MRBOBDIEREN says:

    OMG, they are having Harry Potter newspapers!!!! I love the future technology

  21. Piotrczarnota96 says:

    Yeah I know, I´m still alive ^^

  22. MyMultimedia says:

    Good news, the Mayans were wrong.

  23. Samara Nunes says:

    Creating solitary but connected people.

  24. ascension1138 says:

    Yes it is. It’s current technology, not even future tech. Sony and several other companies have created flexible and complete rollable OLED display screens. It would also save paper because it would just be plastic screens that could simulate an image of paper. Check it out.

  25. bugattiveyron96 says:

    6 years to go

  26. ross bradley says:

    where can i get one thay look cool

  27. gators146 says:

    Too bad they made a Microsoft Surface which is basically an iPad that connects to a keyboard with a click.

  28. jorge cortez says:

    thats nice but what if you spell pop,coffe,or somthing????

  29. Maruthi Naik says:


  30. Raymond Joannette says:

    It would be nice to get a huge table like in the video.

  31. thesamflinn7 says:

    me grog. what table? (scratches head like caveman)

  32. Reis Salvin says:

    Or IPad copied this. Look, it’s freaking 2008! IPad like what 2010? LOL

  33. Reis Salvin says:

    Hologram? I thought I saw scientist made hologram even more complex than this flat thing-y

  34. Reis Salvin says:

    I know. Just because it has the exact same name!

  35. kiwiblinks says:

    dont compare that to this

  36. kiwiblinks says:

    stupidity its called

  37. Michael Gomez says:

    I’m glad I’m 15, because if I’m seeing this now just a few years after the first iPod Touch leading all the way to tablets in a few years, Imagine in 10 years.

  38. Borderlands808 says:

    Would like a toilet that scans my poop and tells me how healthy i am or not. :) my g/f wants one with a built in douching wand that with a push if a button will douche you to your hearts content. 😉

  39. enzyme20056 says:

    This is the future

  40. enzyme20056 says:

    What is windows live, is that like Facebook

  41. marko komljenovic says:

    hey guys does anyone know the snowboard creating program he is using?

  42. Raymond Joannette says:

    This is not the same thing.
    That real thig is, to give the ability’s to make an holograme with it. This table is absolutely useful you know.

  43. Grupa II FTIMS says:


  44. sherifzeus999 says:

    What if I wanted to rotate the screen?

  45. Alec Shaft says:

    “They take all my money.”
    “Thats Right!”

  46. Absorbing says:

    They didn’t. It’s called the PixelSense now, and available to buy. Around $8000, last I heard.

  47. Karn McCloud says:

    Obviously the price was nothing to get hyped about but I was talking about the concept of a coffee table computer, even now I’d love that in my living room or kitchen and it wouldn’t cost $10,000 now with the price of parts way down.

  48. 10mrskittles10 says:

    $10,000 vs. $600

    I’ll just take the small one thank you very much….

  49. keaton19000 says:

    I think they will bring this back but with a different name

  50. jusjoe99 says:

    i wish they didnt abandon this surface

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