MS Office 2007 First in a series of video tutorials on MS Office 2007. View other in the series at
Video Rating: 4 / 5

(7/16/2012) Today Microsoft announced the consumer preview of the latest version of their Office suite, Microsoft Office 2013 (code-named “Office 15”). Watch the video of the live announcement from Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Updates include cloud subscriptions, an updated interface influenced by the Metro style, improvements in touch interaction, and more. Webcast stream recorded today, July 16th, 2012 (7/16/2012) in 720p HD quality.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

48 Responses to MS Office 2007

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    The calculating formula is usually united and it is a defect of software that the result makes a mistake. Such [okashiine] though there seem to be some settings.

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  7. TheMRJGREATJ says:

    Microsoft Office 2012 | TRUE |
    Thumps up so people can see it !!

  8. PokemonMistysFan says:

    What do you use to record?

  9. TheUniKkatil11 says:

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  10. Lionel Messi says:

    Office 2010 Toolkit (Activator) 2.1.6

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  12. TheFullSoftware says:

    Microsoft Office 2012

  13. Devarapalli veera raghavulu says:

    Thank you for presenting nice tutorial

  14. SpongeBloggers says:


  15. andramonica89 says:

    hey.. nice tutorial there. I just download and install this version (ms office 2007 – home and student) , so far its work really well with windows xp dan windows 7. Those who want to download it (crack version) , click my nick and check out my quick video. I put the url to download there. Tested..and proven have no malware or virus.

  16. PoliteTia says:

    Absolutely wonderful! You rock Comp Dom :-)

  17. Tiamat583 says:

    I understand. Dont get me wrong, office 2007 still looks amazing though.

    all I ever wanted to do with the microsoft assistants is play with them and look at their animations.

  18. ElMrNooble says:

    thats why i stick with 2003 😉

  19. 142098lasha says:

    Ctrl + Z = undo

  20. rutsueli says:

    thanks for teaching

  21. Lionel Messi says:

    Microsoft Windows Office 2007 with Product Key for FREE :

  22. discobob77478 says:

    I am promoting this link for Microsoft Office 2010. It’s only $100 and it works 100%. No problem and genuine. Go to this site:

  23. TheKiller982 says:


  24. Brigid0833 says:

    If you wanna get MS OFFICE 10 now, go to:
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  25. CheManiange says:

    Where’s the audience??? I felt sorry for the presenter. Good stuff from Microsoft though.

  26. RandomAccount922 says:


  27. Alexey Solofnenko says:

    My kids use Google Docs at school.

  28. violian5 says:

    I love the new Excel smart-feature and Powerpoint dashboard functionalities. For the first time since tablets became “popular”, I finally want a tablet.

  29. MicOffice2013Key says:

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  30. Radek Jüthner says:

    I will stay with Linux forever!

  31. dachamp171 says:

    if you buy Office 2010 you get 2013 for free via email then online download. But Office 2010 is the best version no clue how they’ll top it

  32. MadeInOkon says:

    Power point ? hahahah, is more, MORE better!!!

  33. retetikker says:

    Still a desktop app…

  34. Алексей Крюков says:

    Я давно пользуюсь Office 2013. Если кто захочет качайте у меня.

  35. bushtech21 says:

    check out my channel for direct full download!

  36. GTAVFreeDownload says:

    I found working keys for Microsoft Office 2013


    Thanks me later <3

  37. MrCjware1974 says:

    Microsoft excepts me to buy office and pay a subcrption on top of that lol yeah right. The last office suite I bought was 2000. I figure why buy when google docs, open office, king soft are avaible.

  38. yo33ee says:

    Sorry, I’m not sure if it’s the consumer preview…However, it is called Office 365, located on the Office portion of the Microsoft site, that refers to the new Microsoft Office 2013. The free trial is for 30 days only.

  39. AGATHODAlMON says:

    I think I have it too..its the consumer preview right? cause thee is nothing else to try on their site. So how long can you continue with the trial? Ive saw theive released the RTM version.there are differences between these two?

  40. Qvo ling says:

    Visit my blog.100% working activate office 2013..

  41. yo33ee says:

    I already have the trial. Look it up and try it for yourself. It looks pretty nice.

  42. atillerman says:

    when is this coming out?

  43. Mas Deny says:

    Like It ….

  44. Dutchie1100 says:

    Why is he shouting??

  45. Riley Argue says:

    powerpoint looks awesome!!!
    But the rest is the usual microsoft crap lol

  46. Octavio Marin says:

    Awesome software, definitely worth buying it..!!

  47. christyhyun26 says:

    스카이프. 카카오톡 SNS  매일 매일 업데이트되나요?트윗도 할 수 있나요?

  48. FracturedHacker says:

    well the pirate bay is free… therefore so is MS Office 2013 XD if I had a 3d printer… I’d torrent a damn nexus 7 haha

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